Author Archives: Brian
Multiplication Song
Lolly Lolly Lolly Get Your Adverbs Here – Schoolhouse Rock
I’m Just a Bill
Brian’s Favorite
I’ve been reading two novels called Willow Creek Home and A Paradise Called Texas.Theese books are about a family that leaves Germany in seek of a new life in Texas.If you read theese books you will hear Papa,Mama,and Mina a lot because they are the main characters.I will be telling you about Paradise called Texas.It all started when Mina went to school and saw that there was going to be a meeting about Texas.The meeting was about being ale to go to Texas.Mama and Papa agreed to go to Texas for a new life, and the set off.They got to a ship called the Margaretha and boarded.It was a complete disaster.There was a giant storm! Everything clattered,slid,and flew across the room.The next morning even though the storm stopped there was a long way to there next destination.Finally the got to Indian Point,it didn’t look so good.There were people that looked half starved to death.It was a long and hard time in Indian Point.They spent a really long time there that Mama died.But fortunately a few days later there was an auction on a wagon and oxen.Papa teamed with Herr Kaufman and bought the wagon to go to Texas. The long journey to Victoria is the first destination.When they arrive they have no place to stay so the Schuman family let them stay with them.The next morning they set off for New Braunfels,and when they arrive Papa builds a house.Papa then finds a job to get a cow for milk,but when pap returns with the cow he also bring fever.Mina makes a plan to bring an Indian medicine man to heal papa,the medicine man agrees and healed Papa,but he was missing a wife and Mina found him one.I like the suspense of this book,and my favorite part was when Mina got the medicine man.
Book Review
Title: The Biggest, Best Snowman
Author: Margerey Cuyler Number of pages:30
Little Nell wanted to help,Big Mama ,Big Sarah,and Big Lizzie all say no.She goes into the woods to her animal friends and her friends want to build a snowman.Little Nell didn’t know how to make a snowman,so she rolls tiny balls of snow ans passes it on.When she got home everyone wondered where she was so she showed them her giant snowman.
i like and recommend this book because Nell showed her sisters and mom she can do big things when she is little.
Rating (1-5 stars):
3 stars
Expository Writing
People waste water so lets save it.Since there is a growing population more people can save water when possible.You can follow theese steps to save water.
First, you can take a five minute shower instead of a bath.Did you know filling the tub to the top wastes water and money.Also taking a shower instead of a bath saves water.Next, you can catch water in a barrel and wash your hands in it.The best part about that is easy and doesn’t waste water.Finally, you can wet your cloths in the rain and hang it to dry.It saves water and money all you need is rain and that is easy.When you hang it you can use a piece of string and to hang it you can use clips.Maybe ask your parents to help set it up.
Remember ask your parents to start saving water too!If you follow theese steps you will be a water conserving pro!!!!!
The Best Gift
The best gift I have ever given was a golden fake diamond ring. When I gave the tiny package to my mom I said it was from my dad and I.My dad winked at me and she looked at us confused and resumed unwrapping the gift. Finally she opened the box and looked pleased at my dad and me.I felt proud of myself for the present.
Row Your Site
Have you ever wondered how tv was made? Well it was mase in 1972 by Philo Farnsworth. Philo at age 14 had an idea for television and had shown it to his high school teacher how he would catch light in a jar. And then he would let one beam out at a time. He said to his teacher he would use a magnet to et the beams make a picture. He said it would move as the beams moved. In 1972 he did it he was successful he made television! At the time it was blury but it took years to make as it is now but he did it. And tv was born! Info found at,